Kitah Vav – 6th Grade took over the learning kitchen this past Wednesday to create their own version of Top Chef. Students brought their favorite food recipes to school as well as ingredients, cooked together as a class, and shared their meals with each other and the community. It was a real treat and a ton of fun!
Here’s what they cooked:
Sofia.R + Kaden – Quiche
Tevel + Cooper – Pancakes
Silver + Liat – Salad
Lena + Brooklyn – Orzo with 2 sauces
Ron + colin – Borekas – Cheese / Potatoes
Dan + Ben – Tacos
Delilah + Sofia.H – secret desert
Ethan – Empanadas
A huge Kol HaKavod to Morah Danielle and Morah Sharon for coordinating, and all of the parents for contributing to the fun!