Dear Yavneh Community,
Next year Yavneh will welcome two young people from Israel who will be serving a Service Year / Gap Year ahead of joining the Israeli Army. Allow me to introduce you to Dana and Eliya.
We are thrilled to announce that Yavneh will be partnering with the Jewish Agency for Israel to participate in the Shinshinim Service Year Abroad Program for the 2022-23 academic year. Designed to bolster Hebrew, Israeli, and Jewish education, this program trains young Israelis to work abroad in the year before beginning their military service. Below outlines some of the important details about what is a shinshinim and what their roles will be on campus as well as how YOU can help support this important program.
We are equally excited to announce that our very own Rinat Nevo Dubiner, one of Yavneh’s Hebrew Speaking Faculty will serve as a mentor for Dana and Eliya who will be our shinshiniot next year. As a native of Israel, and former Shinshinit, we know that Rinat will be a perfect guide, mentor, and leader for them.
Who is a shinshim?
They are Israeli high school graduates who are voluntarily giving one year of pre- army service known in Israel as a Service Year. Contrary to other gap-year programs offered throughout the world, the Service Year Shinshiniot are entirely devoted towards volunteer work in your community. There are no monetary rewards or benefits given to them except for the joy associated with spreading their love, insights, and passion for the State of Israel.
Those selected as Service Year Shinshinim are trained in Israel in an intense preparatory course focusing on Jewish heritage, Jewish sources, and issues of national and religious identity. They are also provided with the tools to be counselors and leaders.
The goal of the Service Year Program is to place high school graduates from Israel in Jewish communities abroad for a one-year program of volunteer activity. This type of program builds a bridge between Israeli youth and Jewish communities, creating educational dialogue between the two, to strengthen our Jewish family ties, and to build the foundation for a secure Jewish future. An additional dimension of the Shlichut is home hospitality, creating connections that go beyond ordinary opportunities.
How will the Shinshiniot be utilized at Yavneh?
- Spreading Israeli culture & Hebrew language in and outside of the classroom.
- Working with teachers and administrative team to plan and implement exciting programming as it relates to Israel & Hebrew.
- Acting as a positive role model & mentor for our students.
The Shinshinot will be viewed as members of our faculty & staff and will be here each and everyday (except for their training throughout the year.) We are so incredibly grateful to have this opportunity for our students and teachers next year.
How can you help? – Call for Host Families!
We are currently looking for host families! Being a host to a shinshinim is an invaluable experience for you, your family, and the shinshinim. This will allow you to connect with a young person and further connect to Israel at home. We are looking for host families in 4 month increments beginning in August. If you are interested in hosting a shinshinim for a 4 month period, please fill out this form if you are interested or would consider being a host family and we will be back in touch with you. If you know anyone in the community who may be interested, please let us know or pass this google form along to them!
Meet the Shinshinim:
Should you have any questions about this program, please reach out to me or Rinat.
The Shinshinim Service Year Abroad Program is a partnership between the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) and Yavneh Day School.
Doug Hinko