In Yavneh News

Purim 2025 was certainly one for the history books!

Our Kitah Chet students, led by the exceptional Ms. Kerry Yourman, our Middle School ELA teacher and Middle Coordinator, spent the last few months studying Megillat Esther (The Scroll of Esther) through the lens of farce, understanding the literary richness of the text while appreciating its modern day understanding, truths, and applications for the world around them.

Alongside this learning, our wonderful Cantor Devorah Felder-Levy from Congregation Shir Hadash spent the last few months working with the students on learning Esther trope, the special cantillation for this scroll, to help partake in the mitzvah of Mikreh Megillah (reading of the scroll). Every single eighth grader chanted beautifully, all the while accompanied by a slideshow created by the eighth graders to help tell the story in a fun, age appropriate way, replete with Boos for Haman. Finally, the Chetnikim had the opportunity to really showcase their understanding of the text with the presentation of their hilarious Purim Spiel, Shushan High, for our community. The text message exchanges between characters, the meta understanding of specific details from the story itself, as well as newfound acting chops from our eighth graders certainly made for an hilarious and enjoyable morning of celebration!

Our students succeed and thrive when they are deeply anchored in source texts, and given the creative space to show who they are as learners. When we teach our students according to their learning styles and honor who they are as learners, we know they’ll never depart from those foundational skill sets.

After our Purim Parade through the whole building led by Principal Aviva, Lower School Students enjoyed creative stations teaching the four mitzvot of Purim, led by the eighth graders. Kitot Vav and Zayin had their own pumping Purim Party designed and led by our heroic Shnishinim, Daniel and Ella. All students had an opportunity to feast, merry make, receive gifts and engage with helping those in need. You can still bring in canned items and donate funds if you haven’t yet!

Our school community gathered together at the end of the day for some upside down and backward Kabbalat Shabbat, highlighting the idea of v’nahafoch hu – the part of the Purim story that explains how our fate was turned around. And if all that wasn’t enough, we then enjoyed a delicious BBQ feast in the JCC auditorium, sponsored by the Wolff Family, bringing light, joy, and celebration to all.

Please join us tomorrow at Kabbalat Shabbat where we will be visited by Rabbi Joshua Cohen, West Coast Direct of Leket Israel, as well as enjoying some band and choir performances from our students.

This is our community at it’s finest.

Wishing you and yours an early shabbat shalom u’mevorach,


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