Kindergarten Admission

The Yavneh Admissions Committee uses a variety of methods to determine the appropriate placement for each child: a Kindergarten Group Observation and Assessment with the Kindergarten Teachers, the recommendation of the child’s current teacher, and input from the child’s parents. Assessments are conducted by Yavneh faculty in a warm, nurturing environment.


We consider the following developmental factors in placement decisions:

  • Chronological Age:
    A child should turn five by September 1 of their kindergarten year.

  • Social and Emotional Development:
    Can the child follow two-step directions? Does he or she take turns, share with and help others, and try new activities? Does he or she “use words” to communicate wants, needs, and thoughts? Can he or she listen and sit still for activities? Work well independently and in a group? Does he or she show patience and control frustration when appropriate?

  • Fine and Gross Motor Skills:
    Is he or she able to comfortably hold and manipulate a pencil and scissors? Can he or she write letters of the alphabet? Is he or she aware of physical space and boundaries? Can he or she kick a ball, climb a park ladder, and jump on one foot?

  • Language and Cognitive Skills:
    Can the child speak clearly in complete sentences, tell stories, and hear and understand the meaning of words and stories?

  • Self-Care Skills:
    Can the child take care of his/her personal hygiene needs? Can he or she use the toilet without assistance? Can he or she wash his/her own hands and blow his/her own nose?

  • Early Academic Skills:
    For admissions purposes, Yavneh is most concerned about a child’s social and emotional development and self-care skills. However, we do take into consideration a child’s basic academic skills, like alphabet recognition, counting, and reading and math ability.

Yavneh’s Kindergarten Program

Yavneh’s kindergarten (Gan) is a world of imagination and exploration where play, guided social interaction, group activities, and independent experiences ignite a child’s natural desire to learn and inquire. The curriculum incorporates many creative approaches along with circle time and more structured learning centers.

You can learn more about Yavneh’s Academic Program by visiting the Learning section of the website.

Lauren Carlinsky

Senior Director of Administration, 408-357-7524

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Nondiscrimination Policy: Yavneh Day School admits students of any race, color, national, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
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